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1st Generation Machine

The recycling of tires by the process of thermal devulanization represents one of the best methods for the disposal of tires and industrial waste. We have developed a system to treat waste coming from pneumatic sources and turn it back into raw material of high quality and high environmental value. This equipment has the capacity to process up to 12 tons per reactor daily, so it is possible to add more reactors in parallel.

In environmental terms, the process is totally clean, it completely solves the problem of disposal of waste tires and due to the reuse of 100% of the tire's component materials, several social and environmental benefits can be attributed to the process as it recovers to the reuse of materials that would otherwise be extracted from nature, in non-renewable sources due to their potential for generating electricity, etc.

Another advantage of the process is the use of plant modules that can be adjusted, with different capacities, local and regional demands.


Due to the combination of factors such as changes in Brazilian and global environmental legislation, which are stricter, it has become mandatory for tire manufacturers and importers to correctly dispose of waste tires, creating tax incentives for products derived from recycling, creating a complex system for collecting waste tires.


The Devulcanization Process consists of decomposing the material by the thermal carbonization process, the waste tires or rubber devices will be introduced in the reactor, where after the system heats between 350 to 650 degrees Celsius without the presence of oxygen, the devulcanization of the rubber, which had resulted in four by-products:

  • Gas

  • Steel

  • Carbon Black

  • Oil


The best cost-benefit ratio of waste tire recycling technology in the world.

  • It does not emit atmospheric pollutants or liquid effluents, nor harmful solid residues, and it only requires recirculated industrial water for coolers, heat exchangers and gas washing

  • We create economically valuable products (all products are industrial raw material with high market value)

  • The system prevents the spread of diseases caused by waste tires

  • Each ton of recycled - tire preserves 10,000 tons of CO2 greenhouse gas

  • We recycle 100% of any type of existing tire

  • Being able to expand its productive capacity just by changing some equipment or duplicating reactors

  • The system creates an alternative energy source to replace oil and natural gas derivatives


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Carbon Black



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